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Long considered to be a purely decorative and marginal element in painting, the frame becomes an expression of its content. A creative dimension, where painting and sculpture are fused in perfect synergy, generating a blend with a surprising choreographic perspective.

"Reflexes" frame sculpture in wood, acrylic paint on canvas, 73x53x45x64 cm
sculpture with acrylic paint
"Medieval" wooden sculpture frame and acrylic painting, 80x100x72 cm

Sculptor or Painter?

The artist, midway between painter or sculptor, is poised between two worlds, the real world and the surreal world, not only in his status but also in his works.

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The space-time curvature achieved by painting

The recurring theme in the works of the Roman artist is the scene as the point of view of a globular eye, actually an imperfect apparatus for reproducing reality, the cultural mediator between the world of images and the subjective eye of the viewer, forced to interpret the distortions of reality seen in perspective. Perspective makes us perceive the infinite if it is true that it is only there that two parallel lines meet.


At first glance, the paintings look like the product of a playful mind in search of pure fun, of pleasure for pleasure’s sake, of virtuosity translated into aesthetic fantasies developed with a great command over the technique. However, Alessandro Gozzuti’s works reveal much more to those who are curious enough to delve into his compositions –
compositions that require time and the desire to abandon the confines of reality.